Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 9, 2007


Those ingredients will allow you a 9-10 in. tart diameter (4-8 persons
according to the filling)

"Pâte Sablée"
- Sugar Crust Pastry
It is only to be used for deserts because it contains sugar. It is sometimes
used by itself to make "Sablé" biscuits and it is ideal for sweet tarts that
have a very thin or light filling (like tarte au chocolat or fruit tart).
It is very easy to make in a mixer, (which is a good point !).

Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 100 gr [3.5 oz] unsalted butter /
80 gr [3 oz] sugar / 1 big egg / 2 pinches salt (never forget the
salt, it is more important than it looks).

Method : in an electric mixer, put the flour, the sugar and the salt ;
turn the electric mixer on (with the blade accessory) and spread the
butter cut in small cubes while mixing for 15 seconds ; still mixing, add
the egg and wait a few seconds until the paste forms a ball, then stop
mixing right away. If it does not form a ball, add a Tbspoon water ;
if it is too sticky, add a bit flour...

Leave for at least 1 hour in a plate with flour in. If you wish to do it with
your fingers, see the Shortcrust pastry method down !

To line it, you will have to use your hands and fingers because the pastry
is too fresh and soft ; start from the dish center and push with your thumbs
towrds to borders.

"Pâte Brisée" - Shortcrust Pastry
This is very simple, it contains no sugar, and suits any type of quiche
or tart... ! But as it is so simple, it has to be use with a "rich" quiche
or tart... It suits a filling with a rich flavor (like Salmon and Spinach).
It can be prepared as well with an electric mixer but let's try to do it
with our fingers ! (for mixer explaination, see the sugar crust pastry
method !)

Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 100 gr [3.5 oz] unsalted butter
/ 50 cl [17 fl oz] water / 2 pinches salt (never forget the salt, it is more
mportant than it looks).

Method : put the flour in a salad bowl, form a well and put the salt
and very small cubes of cold butter in it. Work the butter and flour
with your fingertips and add water in 2 or 3 times ; it should resemble
crumbs quite quickly. Press the crumbs and form a ball of dough
(it should not look completely homogeneous). If it does not form a ball,
add a Tbspoon water ; if it is too sticky, add a bit flour..
Chill for 30 minutes at least.

Line normally by rolling out the pastry on a floured surface ; when the
size is convenient, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and drape it
carefully over the tin.

"Pâte Feuilletée" - Puff Pastry
This is our most famous, so light, fantastic and almost magic !
BUT ... not simple at all... ! and not either quick !!!
This recipe is for good (and patient) cooks only !

Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 150 gr [5 oz] unsalted butter
/ 10 cl [3.5 fl oz] water / 2 pinches salt (never forget the salt, it is
more important than it looks).

Method :
- Put the flour in a salad bowl, form a well and pour the water with the
salt in it ; mix slowly with a wooden spoon, then with your hands.
- Work the dough quickly then form a ball and leave for 40 minutes.
- With a rolling pin, gently beat the butter to flatten it into a square of
1.5 cm [1/2 in.] thick ; it has to have more or less the same consistency
as the dough ball.
- Spread some flour on your counter top and line the dough to a big
diamond ; the central square must be just a bit bigger than the square
of butter and a bit thicker in the middle. Display the square of butter in
the central part of the dough and fold back the 4 sides one after the
other like an envelop. It must be perfectly "closed", the butter must not
be able to get out.
- With the rolling pin, gently tap on the dough, then line it into a rectangle
3 times longer than large. Fold it again into 3 so as to obtain again a square.
- Turn this square of a quarter of a turn ; line into a long rectangle and
fold back into a square (like explained above). Do this 6 times.
Don't forget to spread flour regularly on the counter top so that the
dough won't stick. After the 2nd and 4th turn, leave 20 minutes ;
after the 6th turn, the "pâte feuilletée" is ready ! You can use it immediately.

Line normally by rolling out the pastry on a floured surface ; when the
size is convenient, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and drape it
carefully over the tin.

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