Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 9, 2007


Maguro no tororo ae / Diced Tuna with Yam Sauce

Serves 4


275g yam, peeled and grated

450ml dashi stock

5 tbspn soy sauce

1 tbspn sugar

1/2 tbspn mirin

400g fresh tuna, cut into bite-sized cubes

1/2 tsp salt

To Garnish

2 tsp wasabi powder mixed with same amt of water

2 spring onions, finely sliced into rings

1 sheet nori (dried seaweed), finely shredded (which I omitted)


Put the yam into a large mixing bowl.

Add the dashi stock, soy sauce, sugar and mirin and mix well.

Put the tuna in a separate bowl, sprinkle with the salt and pour int the yam mixture. Stir to combine.

Divide the tuna and yam mixture between four serving dishes and garnish with small mounds of wasabi, chopped spring onions and shredded nori.

Nameko oroshi/Nameko with Grated Daikon

Serves 4


110g nameko

200g daikon (Japanese radish), peeled and grated


2 tbspn rice vinegar

1 tbspn sugar

1 tbspn light soy sauce

a pinch of salt (optional)


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, season and serve with a little of the dressing on the side if preferred.
Mix 3 tbsp sugar,
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp black soy sauce
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
5 pips garlic, smashed with skin removed
A knob of ginger about 2 thumbs size, sliced (I added this after seeing that other recipes online asked for it)

Marinade about 600 g pork with the sauce stated above. Leave it overnight.
The recipe asked that it be cooked with all marinade for 10 mins over medium heat then 10-15 mins on low heat. Add more water if gravy is too thick.

However, I baked it in the oven for at 180 degrees celcius for about an hour on a baking pan lined with aluminium foil, basting it with the remaining marinade every 20 mins or so. I removed it from the oven only when I was satisfied with its level of 'chao ta-ness'
This is what I got!

Mua Ji
Serves 4-6 people for a snack

280g glutinous rice flour
400ml water
200g roasted peanuts, unsalted!
50g sugar

Mix glutinous rice flour and water thoroughly until a smooth batter is formed.
Pour into a bowl and steam for about 30-45 minutes
Grind peanuts until fine (do not overgrind or it might start clumping up)
Add enough sugar to ground peanuts to pass the taste test
Unmold the glutinous rice cake unto the peanut-sugar mixture (scrape it out of the bowl as it will tend to stick)
Using a pair of scissors, cut up rice cake into bite-sized portions and toss around in the ground peanuts
Repeat cutting and tossing until rice cake is used up and serve!

Happy Valentine's Day

Our appetizers: Cucumber cups with egg tofu and black sesame soy sauce dressing. Japanese sweet potato, caramelized onions and roasted red pepper salad with Garlic and Kalamansi Lime dressing and sprinkled with sea salt. Prawns and squid with Chilli Kalamansi Lime Salsa.

Braised Lamb, with baby carrots, oyster mushrooms and asparagus.

And finally a Chocolate Mousse with Pink Dragonfruit for dessert.

Chilli Kalamansi Lime Salsa
(adapted from Menu Degustation)
4 servings

1 red pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
2 red chillies, brunoise ( thái hạt lựu )
8 kalamansi limes
1 big tomato, chopped
1 small bunch of coriander, chopped finely
8 shallots, chopped finely
3 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
salt, pepper and brown sugar (to taste)

Grill red pepper until the skin blackens, place into a plastic bag and seal.
Leave for 5 mins then remove skin.
Bruinoise red pepper and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Serve with prawns and squid (deshelled, cleaned, and blanched in boiling water)

Cucumber cups with Egg tofu and black sesame soy sauce dressing
Serves 2 as a starter
1 large cucumber, peeled and cut across the width into 3 equal portions
1 packet of egg tofu
3 tbspn light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp garlic oil
2 tsp black sesame

Combine soy sauce, sesame oil and black sesame.
Using a small metal teaspoon, scoop out the middle part of 2 sections of cucumber where the seeds are without cutting through to the bottom
Brunoise the remaining section of cucumber after removing the seeds and toss in soy sauce mixture then divide the mixture into the 2 cucumber cups then steam until cucumber cups are soft then chill.
To serve, slice egg tofu into 6 equal sections and place 2 pieces on the cucumber cups and arrange the rest of the tofu around then drizzle the remaining dressing over.

Chocolate Mousse with Pink Dragonfruit
Serves 4

170g dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa content)
80ml milk
1 egg yolk
4 egg whites
20g sugar
1 pink dragonfruit, peeled and sliced

Melt dark chocolate in a double boiler then add milk and stir until smooth.
Remove from heat and cool till 40 degrees celcius (Dip your finger into the chocolate. It should be warm but not too hot to touch)
Whisk in egg yolk and leave to cool.
Whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form, adding sugar slowly.
When chocolate mixture if cool, whisk in 1/3 of egg white foam then fold in the rest of the egg whites.
Divide into 4 cups and chill for an hour.
Arrange pink dragonfruit on top and serve.


8 ounces softened butter
4 ounces confectioners' sugar aka powdered sugar
1 egg (pass through a strainer to remove clumps)
13 ounces all purpose flour
3-5 drops vanilla

Sift sugar and flour and mix with butter.

Add egg and vanilla extract. Mix well.

Texture of dough should be slightly moist, not dry. If dry, add a little oil/margarine. If too oily, add a little flour.

Pull out a small ball of dough and roll out until at most half a cm thick. What I did was press the ball out in my palm because I had no rolling pin or board (also cos i was too lazy).

Line your tart mould or muffin pan with aluminium foil or baking paper.

Press the dough into the mould, and trim off the excess pastry. Crimp the edges with a fork if desired.

Pour egg custard into the moulds (see recipe below) then bake at 180 degrees celcius for about 15-20 minutes. (I didn't really follow this timing, I just took it out when I thought it looked ready and was firm when I shook it)

Egg custard recipe from The Yummy Food Club at the University of Toronto:
Mix, one cup milk, one cup sugar, 6 eggs (passed through sieve), with 1/4 tsp salt.
Chocolate Fondue Recipe (Valrhona chocolate is highly recommended)

225g/8oz Dark , Semi-Sweet or White Chocolate (chopped roughly into small pieces)
300ml /1 1/4 cups Whipping Cream
25g / 2 tbsp Butter (diced)
30ml / 2 tbsp Liquor eg. Kahlua, Grand Marnier, Amaretto etc - Optional

Dippers (the possibilities are endless, your limitation is your love for chocolate)

Strawberries [Heaven on Earth]
Sliced Bananas [one of my fav dippers]
Pound Cake (cubed)
Brownie [if you're a real chocolate fan]


1) Gently heat cream, chocolate & liquor (if using) in a fondue / small heavy-based pot, stirring frequently to prevent burning.
2) When the chocolate has melted, stir the butter into the mixture till melted & well-incorporated. The melted butter will give the mix a beautiful sheen.
3) Remove from heat to prevent burning.
4) Arrange the dippers on a large platter.
5) Place the pot over a burner & let the party begin!
6) Guests spear their dipper of choice on fondue forks (use long wooden skewers if you run out of fondue forks) and swirl them in the warm chocolate dip until coated.

* PS - Avoid using cheesecake as it will melt & alter the flavour of the chocolate.
A criteria in selecting a dipper is that it should not disintegrate whilst being swirled in the
chocolate dip.

Lychee chicken(serves ~4)
-~1.5lbs chicken thigh (you can use chicken breasts,leg fillets, wings), cut to bite-size pieces
-2tbsp soy sauce
-1tbsp salt
-1tsp sesame oil
-1tsp sugar
-4tbsp corn flour to coat chicken
-2cups oil for deep frying
-1tsp chopped garlic
-1tsp crushed ginger
-1can lychee, drained, syrup reserved
-1tsp red chilli flakes
-sliced spring onion and red chilli (for garnish)

-1 cup lychee syrup
-2tbsps tomato sauce
-1tbsp corn flour, mixed with 1tbsp water

1.Marinate chicken with soy sauce, salt, sesame oil and sugar for 30 mins. Roll chicken in corn flour and deep-fry till golden brown.Set aside.
2. In another pan, heat 1tbsp oil over medium fire. Stir fry garlic and ginger for 1-2mins. Add sauce ingredients, and cook till sauce thickens.
3.Add the chicken, lychees and chillies. Mix well, and allow simmer for 3-5mins.
4.Garnish and serve.

Raspberry Swirl Cheese Cupcakes

Raspberry Swirl Cheese Cupcakes
10 whole Oreo cookies, crushed
40g unsalted butter, melted
360g cream cheese, room temperature
200g caster sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup raspberry pureé

  • Preheat oven to 170°C.
  • Prepare 8 cupcake cases (each of 1/2 cup size) and lay them on top of a small cookie tray.
  • Mix the melted butter and oreo cookies in a mixing bowl till bonded.
  • Divide the mixture evenly among the 8 cupcake cases (about 17g each). Wrap a glass into a plastic bag, and make use of the base to compact the crust.
  • Bake the crust for 5 minutes, then remove it to cool completely.
  • In one large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy.
  • Add in the sugar in a slow, steady stream and beat until just combined.
  • Add the eggs into the mixture one at a time, making sure that each addition is well-incorporated before adding another.
  • Add in the vanilla.
  • Pour the batter onto the baked crust till about 7/8 cup full.
  • Add 1 tsp of raspberry pureé on top of each cupcake and use a wooden skewer to swirl carefully through the cheese batter.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes until just set.
  • Switch off the oven, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the cupcakes cool completely in the oven before removing.

Yield : 8 large cupcakes

The cupcake cases I used were about the size of 1/2 cup. If you are using the smaller cases which can fit into the 12-hole muffin pan, then you can probably make about 12 cupcakes. However, you probably will not need 1 tsp of raspberry pureé for a cupcake that size.

Take note that the baked cupcakes should be kept away from the cool outside air as much as possible while it cools down, otherwise it would sink in the centre. Also, avoid putting too much pureé in the centre lest the same might happen (due to gravity).

The cheese layer was a still a little soft and jiggly after cooling down; I think I could have baked it a little longer. But frankly, I quite like this texture - soft and smooth like puddings, and best eaten straight out of the cupcake case with a dessert spoon!

Strawberry-Honey Ice Cream

250 grms fresh strawberries
2 tbsps honey
1 cup whole milk
200 ml heavy cream
3 large egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Cut strawberries into half and toss them into a small saucepan. Add honey and bring to a gentle boil until strawberries are soft but not mushy. Process in a blender to puree. Set aside.

2. Bring milk and cream to a boil.

3. In a another bowl, whisk eggs and sugar together until slightly thickened.

4. Still whisking, drizzle about 1/3 of the milk mixture to the egg mixture (to temper the eggs).

5. Pour in the remaining milk-cream mixture.

6. Pour the custard back into the pan and cook; stirring without stopping until the custard coats the back of the spoon.

7. Remove from heat and cool using an ice bath.

8. Combine strawberry puree and the custard. Process in a food processor until well combined.

9. Transfer in a container. Chill for a few hours.

10. Repeat process twice. Chill completely.

Recipe Adapted from : Baking from My Home to Yours

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Adapted from recipe by Natalia Schamroth printed in Cuisine Magazine. Use the smallest tart moulds that you have.


For the pastry

60g unsalted butter, softened

60g castor sugar

1 tsp of vanilla extract

70g plain flour

25g cocoa powder

For the filling

70ml thickened (whipping) cream

100g 60% dark chocolate

2 teaspoons espresso coffee (or 1-1.5 tsp instant coffee powder dissolved in 2 tsps of hot water)

50-60g 74% dark chocolate

Cocoa powder for serving


  1. Beat the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add the vanilla extract.
  2. Sift together the flour and cocoa then stir in to the butter mixture to form a dough. Break off small pieces of dough and press into greased tart moulds. Use your fingers to press a 2mm layer of pastry evenly into the tart moulds. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  3. Bake at 160°C for 8-10 minutes or until the pastry has cooked through and puffed slightly. If the pastry shrinks; press it back up the sides of the moulds immediately after removing from the oven while still hot. Cool, in the moulds, on a cake rack.
  4. Heat the cream almost to boiling point then pour it over the 62% chocolate and add the espresso. Leave for 5 minutes then whisk well until shiny and thick. Spoon into the baked pastry cases.
  5. Melt the 74% chocolate in a double boiler or microwave. Spoon a little over each tart to form a thin layer. Once set, pop the tarts out of their moulds. Refrigerate in an airtight container until 30 minutes before serving. Dust with a little cocoa powder to serve.

Soba with tofu, shiitake mushroom and red pepper

Spicy Soba Noodles with Tofu, Shiitake mushroom and Red Pepper

Makes 4 servings

For sauce
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 to 3 teaspoons Korean hot-pepper paste (sometimes labeled “gochujang”)
1 tablespoon packed brown sugar

For noodles
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped peeled ginger
1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked in water to soften, stemmed and thinly sliced
1 block (12oz) of firm tofu, cubed.
6 scallions, thinly sliced
8 to 9 ounces soba
1 red pepper, cored and thinly sliced

Stir together all sauce ingredients until brown sugar is dissolved, then set aside.

Toast sesame seeds in a dry 12-inch heavy skillet (not nonstick) over medium heat, stirring, until pale golden, then transfer to a small bowl.

Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat until it shimmers,add tofu and cook, stirring occasionally, until all sides are browned. Remove from skillet. In the same skillet,sauté ginger and garlic, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add shiitakes and red bell pepper and sauté, stirring frequently, until tender, about 4 minutes. Reduce heat to medium,return tofu to the skillet and add most of scallions (reserve about a tablespoon for garnish. Add sauce and simmer 2 minutes.

While the tofu mixture is cooking, cook soba in a pasta pot of boiling salted water (2 tablespoons salt for 6 quarts water) until noodles are just tender, about 6 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse under cool water to stop cooking and remove excess starch, then drain well again. Transfer to a large bowl and toss with sesame seeds and tofu mixture. Serve sprinkled with reserved scallions.

If you aren’t able to find Korean hot-pepper paste, substitute 3/4 teaspoon Chinese chile paste and reduce the amount of soy sauce to 1/4 cup.

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